About Me
I was born in Romania and came to Britain in 1972. In 1976, I graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a BA in Archaeology and Architectural Studies. The passion for ancient culture and architecture has never left me as it gives such insights into ancient people’s beliefs, art, architecture and culture.It was in 2001, after having worked in a variety of jobs, and raised a family, that I discovered Reiki and developed a passion for it. I was attuned to the Reiki energy in 2002 having always wanted to put my hands to good use and feeling drawn to help through touch whenever someone was unwell. Later I decided to achieve the next level in Reiki and finally I undertook the Reiki Master training as I felt ready to make a greater commitment to Reiki and healing. There can be no greater joy than seeing that you can help and knowing that you have made a difference.
All my Reiki training was done with Lynda Kirby, a very special person with a great and in-depth understanding of Reiki and healing. I was very fortunate indeed to have been guided to her for my training. Indian Head Massage was something else that followed naturally, and I achieved this through the British School of Yoga and the Rosemount Centre.
Both complementary therapies have a lot to offer to people who might be stressed or needing help after an illness or sad event in their lives, and it is useful for those considering changing their direction in life, or who are looking for some sort of guidance.
I am also very much interested in dreams and past life regression. I qualified as a dream analyst in 2005 and I find it a fascinating subject. It is really amazing how much we can learn from our dreams.