Sample Photomontages
Sample 1 - What is a Photomontage?

Just what do we do with your photographs and camcorder videos?
The results are always amazing!
In order to really appreciate how fascinating these effects are you need to see the samples below.
You can also view some of our more recent examples on our YouTube channel - thePhotostoDVD.
Sample 2 - A Special Welcome to Martin
Don't your children grow up so quickly?
Preserve the memories on a DVD along with there favourite music playing in the
background. This makes a wonderful birthday present.
Sample 3 - Holiday in France
Remember all those fun times you had on holiday? But where did you put the photographs and what was that tune you enjoyed so much? Start searching!
Sample 4 - Our Wedding Album
When did you last look at your wedding photographs. Are they starting to fade? Bring back the memories of that wonderful day in this most special way.
Sample 5 - Have a look around Westhill
Westhill is a small town just outside Aberdeen in Scotland. Have a look at the photomontage and see why we all enjoy living here.
You can also view some of our more recent examples on our YouTube channel - ThePhotostoDVD.