Just what do we do with your photographs and camcorder videos?
The results are always amazing!
In order to really appreciate how fascinating these effects are you need to see the samples below.
1 - Photomontage Samples

Don't your children grow up so quickly?
Preserve the memories along with their favourite music playing in the background. This makes a wonderful birthday present.
These samples show what can be done with some black and white or colour photographs.For more information about Photomontages click here
2 -
Scanning, Restoration & Enhancement Samples

We offer two types of Photo Enhancement - Basic and Full.
The following samples will give you an idea of the difference in the results achieved.
For more information about Photo Enhancement click here
3 - Photocollage Samples

Choose your favourite photographs and we will join them seamlessly.
The following
samples will give you an idea of what can be achieved.
For more further information about Photocollages click here
4 - Video Enhancement and Stabilisation
If you have recorded your video using a handheld camera, you will probably end up with shaky shots. We can stabilise your shots to eliminate unwanted motion and also enhance the colour quality.
The following samples will give you an idea of the difference in the results achieved.
5- Slides and Transparencies Samples
Some samples of what can be achieved with 35 mm slides can be seen here.For each slide there are 4 versions:
- The original scan after trimming and artefact removal.
- The second version shows Basic Enhancement which is provided as standard.
- Version 3 shows what can be achieved with a higher level of enhancement.
- The final version shows additional face enhancement.