Westhill Commemorative DVD

Westhill and District Residents Association, in conjunction with PHOTOStoDVD, are hoping to produce a commemorative DVD showing how Westhill and the surrounding District has changed over the last 40 or so years. Photographs (and maps) from those years will be compared with recent pictures and converted into a video photomontage, showing how the area has evolved. Perhaps interviews with some of our elder residents could also be incorporated in the DVD. Video or camcorder footage could also be used.

However in order to do this we need your photographs – lots of them, regardless of the quality.

To get an idea of what the DVD will look like please view the Demo Version created with some recent photos of Westhill.

Why don’t you have a search through your photo albums and see what you can find. All pictures will be scanned and returned promptly and your contribution will be acknowledged on the DVD.

This project is dependent on the cooperation of Westhill and District residents, past and present. In order to cut the production costs, would any local firms be willing to sponsor the DVD or have an advertising photomontage of their own added to the DVD?

Hopefully this will provide a lasting historical record of our wonderful town. If you can help, or know of someone who could contribute, please contact Victor Robertson

If you any other useful suggestions or have experienced difficulty in viewing the demos, please also contact me.